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academic writing

these are some academic pieces that I am particularly proud of, please enjoy.

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A Portrait of the Artist in Isolation: Exploring the Universality of Isolation in Joyce’s Work, and its Linkage to Individual Identity and Artistry


English 468H - James Joyce

Regarded as one of the most influential writers of the twentieth century, Irish novelist James Joyce is the product of the uniquely disparaging and unencouraging social and political climate in which he was raised. Born in Dublin, Ireland in 1892, Joyce’s adolescence was plagued with political uncertainty and bitter pessimism, following the death of Charles Stewart Parnell, adored Irish Nationalist. As his family plunged into increasing poverty and financial instability, Joyce experienced a bleak and unprotected view of the dreary, dismal Dublin in which he lived. In this city that perpetuated an atmosphere of decay and disarray, Joyce grew up amidst an unstable p

English 300 - Legends of Arthur

Arthurian Legend undoubtedly exhibits a deep rooted interconnectedness with the Christian religion. The tales of King Arthur and his fellow knights of the Round Table display an inextricable link to Christianity, especially with regard to the Christian ideals that drive and define knighthood. Christian symbolism and ideology prevail throughout Arthurian texts, often working in such a way that propels the narrative forward, thus rendering Christianity a driving force throughout Arthurian literature.

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